Divine Liturgy including prayers and readings for the current day
Options available to display only those parts of the Divine Liturgy that vary each day, or the variable parts together with the text of the Divine Liturgy.
Canonical Prayers for the current day
The prayers of Vespers, Compline, Mesonyktikon, Orthros, and the small hours (First, Third, Sixth, and Ninth Hours), along with the prayer of the Typika.
Occasional Prayers and Canons
Additional prayers found in the Horologion for the blessing of meals, or those to be prayed upon rising from sleep in the morning and before going to bed in the evening. The Paraclesis and the Procession of the Holy Gifts is also found here.
Blessings, Rites, Mysteries (Sacraments)
Prayers, Rites, and Blessings from the Small Euchologion, including the distribution of Communion outside the Divine Liturgy, and the Mysteries (Sacraments) of Anointing and Confession.
Aids for Parish Clergy
Creates bilingual Typikon of the day in Arabic and English for Sundays and Major Feasts
of the chosen year and month. NB the Raya text is used in the Scripture texts in English
for this option.
Displays the Dates for Easter on the various calendars, and also displays the next year,
on which the Western Churches and the Easter Orthodox Churches will celebrate Easter on
the same date.